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Which juice should be taken for breakfast? Learn otherwise you will be worried all day

Best juice for breakfast: Drinking some juice many times in breakfast causes acidity and stomach problems throughout the day. In such a situation, know which juice to consume.

Which juice should be taken for breakfast?  Know otherwise you will be worried all day long - India TV Hindi
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Best juice for breakfast: Who does not like to drink juice. Some people include juice in their breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. But, not every juice is good for breakfast. Because some vitamins and minerals have such a nature that they cause acidity after their consumption, the stomach produces too much acidic bile juice and throughout the day you will have indigestion and gas. So, therefore it is important to know which juice is beneficial for breakfast.

Which juice should be drunk in breakfast-Which juice is good for breakfast

1. Carrot juice - Carrot juice for breakfast

Carrot juice is considered best for breakfast. Actually, it is a juice that is rich in flavonoids and carotenoids and its consumption gives a booster start to the body. However, it does not play havoc with the lining of the stomach like citrus juices. Carrot juice balances the pH of the stomach and prevents problems like acidity and indigestion. 


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2. Beetroot juice - Beetrooy juice for breakfast

Drinking beetroot juice boosts red blood cells in your body. It increases blood in your body and makes your brain cells healthy. By drinking this juice early in the morning, metabolism will remain fast, energy will remain in the body and your face will also glow. 

3. Green juice - Green juice for breakfast

This juice made from green leafy vegetables is helpful in speeding up your digestive system. It increases the movement of the stomach and intestines, which keeps the stomach clean, liver works fast and does not cause problems related to the digestive system. Apart from this, the proteins and special antioxidants of this juice keep bones healthy and promote muscle function. 

So, include these drinks in breakfast. These will neither give you acidity, nor will your weight increase. This will help you stay healthy in every way.

Egg and bread, know how good is this food combination for breakfast?

Many people eat egg bread for breakfast. But, have you ever thought whether this food combination is healthy or not? Come, let's know. Along with this, we will know what to change if there is any deficiency in it.

Egg and bread, know how good is this food combination for breakfast?  - India TV Hindi
Image Source : FREEPIK

Most people eat egg bread for breakfast, but have you ever thought how beneficial it is for health. So, you must think because egg bread is a high calorie food which works for your body in many ways. People eat it for breakfast considering it as an energy food, but there is another side to it as well. So, come, let us know about eating egg bread for breakfast.

Why do people eat egg bread for breakfast - Egg and bread health benefits

Eggs and bread are both high-calorie foods, according to the USDA. If you look at the calories of these two, it is approximately between 250 to 350. That is, by eating it, your body gets energy. This is a high protein breakfast which is also beneficial for muscle health and helps in body building. Apart from this, it makes you feel full so that you do not feel hungry throughout the day. 

When can it be harmful?

 Eating eggs and bread in breakfast can sometimes take a harmful form. For example, if you eat regular bread, which is high in calories and low in fiber. This can increase your weight. Acidity can happen. Apart from this, you can be a victim of many stomach related problems. 


Image Source : FREEPIK

Choose bread made from whole grains

Choosing bread made from whole grains is beneficial for health. It contains a good amount of fiber which keeps the bowel movement correct. Along with this, weight does not increase and sugar control remains. So, eat bread and eggs for breakfast. But not more than two breads and two eggs. In this too, choose bread made from whole grains. 


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