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healthy food. best food for healthy lifestyle

निम्नलिखित सामग्री हिन्दी में अनुवादित है:

 रात के खाने के लिए बिल्कुल सही, यह 3 अंडे की रेसिपी बनाने में आसान और स्वादिष्ट है।

 यदि आप रात का खाना तैयार करने में ज्यादा समय नहीं लगाना चाहते हैं, लेकिन कुछ स्वस्थ और स्वादिष्ट विकल्प चाहते हैं, तो अंडे की ये रेसिपी आपके लिए हो सकती हैं।

 लोग अक्सर इस बात को लेकर परेशान रहते हैं कि रात के खाने में क्या खाया जाए। इसी को ध्यान में रखते हुए, आज हम आपको कुछ हाई-प्रोटीन रेसिपी से परिचित कराने जा रहे हैं जो बनाने में आसान और स्वादिष्ट हैं। इनमें आमलेट, तले हुए अंडे, करी अंडे और कई अन्य अंडे के व्यंजन शामिल हैं। इसके अलावा, आपके लिए रात के खाने के लिए कई अन्य अलग-अलग अंडे की रेसिपी हैं।

 यहां रात के खाने के लिए अंडे की रेसिपी (हिंदी में) हैं:

 1. अंडे का केक

 आमलेट स्वादिष्ट होते हैं। आमलेट बनाते समय, अंडे को पीटा जा सकता है और पेनकेक्स में डाला जा सकता है। आपको बस इतना करना है कि आटे से दो पैनकेक बनाएं। सबसे पहले, एक पैनकेक पर फटे हुए अंडे रखे जाते हैं, फिर प्याज, मिर्च और सीताफल मिलाए जाते हैं। थोड़ी सी काली मिर्च, नमक और सलाद ड्रेसिंग छिड़कें। दूसरा पैनकेक डालें। हल्का सा तेल लगाकर धीरे-धीरे तलें।

 यह हार्मोन बालों को पत्तियों की तरह भंगुर बना देता है, जिससे बाल जड़ से भंगुर हो जाते हैं।

 2. सब्जी तले हुए अंडे

 सब्जियों के साथ अंडे की भुर्जी बनाना बेहद ही आसान है। आप बस एक पैन में थोड़ा सा तेल डालें और तरह-तरह की सब्जियां फ्राई करें। आप गाजर, ब्रोकोली, पालक, प्याज, मिर्च और अपनी पसंद की अन्य सब्जियों में से चुन सकते हैं। नमक, काली मिर्च, जीरा और पेपरिका छिड़कें। पलटते समय अंडे डालें, पूरी तरह से पके नहीं। आखिर में फ्राई की हुई सब्जियों और अंडों को एक प्लेट में रख लें।

 इन बीजों का सेवन बिना व्यायाम किए वजन घटाने में मदद कर सकता है, फैट मेटाबोलिज्म को तेज करने में मदद करता है।

 एग फिश रोल

 एग फिश टैकोस बनाते समय, ऐसी मछली चुनें जिसमें कोई हड्डी न हो। फिर, मछली को सरसों, नमक, धनिया, हल्दी और लहसुन के पेस्ट में लपेट कर तला जाता है। - फिर एक तवे पर दो अंडे फोड़कर उनके बीच तली हुई मछली डालकर रोल कर लें. हल्का सा तेल लगाएं, तलें और आनंद लें।

 आशा है कि ये डिश आपकी मदद करेंगे!

Don't feel sorry if the milk gets burnt!  Hurry up and make this delicious snack, even the guests will say wow...

  If you're used to throwing away burnt milk, you'll never throw away burnt milk again after learning about this delicious halwai-style recipe.

  No matter how careful you are when boiling milk, sometimes the milk will burn.  By the time you turn off the gas that heats the milk, it's half water.  In that case, here we are going to tell you such a recipe that can be made with your burnt milk.  However, for this the milk should not be completely burned, if your milk is burned to half the amount then you can make this sweet recipe.  The name of this kind of dessert is Rabri. After eating it, even friends will ask if it is made by the pastry chef.

  Burnt Milk Recipe

  Ingredients for making rabdi from 2 liters of burnt milk

  Sugar - 200 grams

  Saffron - 7 to 8 threads

  Cardamom - 1 tsp grated

  Kewra Water - 2 tsp

  How to Make Rabdi 

  Here we give you 2 liters of milk, which is left over after burning 1 liter.  From it tell the method of making rabdi.  To do this, first remove the burnt milk in the iron or steel pan.  Just remember not to remove the burnt bits of milk clinging to the bottom, or your labrie may turn bitter.  After the milk is removed from the cauldron, cook over medium heat until thickened while stirring.  Then sugar, saffron and cardamom powder are added.  Mix everything well in milk.  After this, when the milk thickens and looks like rabdi, add kewra water to it and turn off the gas.  Kewra water and cardamom in the milk will take away its burnt taste.  Serve immediately after cooling in the refrigerator.

These leaves harden the bones, eat vegetables made from them once a week.

   These leaves harden the bones, eat vegetables made from them once a week.

chaulai saag, amaranth leaves or amaranth benefits, whatever the name may be, these leaves have many special health properties. Let's take a closer look.

   Benefits of chaulai saag You will find this vegetable in different provinces of India. Somewhere it is called Amarnath leaf, somewhere Chawli, somewhere Chaulai. Especially amaranth leaves contain many nutrients (benefits of amaranth) which can keep you away from many problems by increasing bone density. So let us know what these properties are and how they are useful for health. Learn more about all these things.

   chaulai saag have the power to strengthen bones - Benefits of amaranth for healthy bones

 chaulai saag contain calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, vitamins A, E, C and folic acid. Calcium improves bone texture and density, while iron protects bones from diseases like osteoporosis by increasing blood flow. Apart from this, amaranth is also rich in protein, which is very important for bone health. So for all these reasons you must eat amaranth greens or greens.

Chaulai Saag Recipe

   To make Chole ka Saag, first of all you have to wash and cook the amaranth leaves in a cooker by steaming or whistling. Now mash the whole vegetable. After this, put some mustard oil in the pan. Add some garlic, green chillies and onions. Stir the spices lightly. Turn all the vegetables inside out. Sprinkle some gram flour on top and add 1 tsp ghee at the end for cooking. Now cook this greens, take off and serve.

   benefits of chaulai saag

   There are many benefits of eating this type of amaranth. Not only is it good for your bones, but it is also good for your eyes. Eating this vegetable will not cause vitamin C deficiency and can also increase immunity. It is also good for the brain. So, if you've never tried it, by all means do.

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Eat something made from this gourd, obesity and high uric acid will be forgotten, know the recipe and benefits
    Eat something made from this gourd, obesity and high uric acid will be forgotten, know the recipe and benefits

    Gourd: Gourd contains 90% water.  In such a situation, it is also good for you to consume recipes made from it.  how do you know?

    Have you tried gourd filling?  If you haven't, you should.  Actually this Bharta is tastier than Brinjal and Potato Bharta and is also very good for health.  Also, you do not have to put much effort in making this Bharta (Gourd Bharta Benefits), the benefits that your body gets by consuming it are there.  so let's know


    To make gourd filling, first boil a bottle gourd, tomato, 2 cloves of garlic and 2 green chillies.  Keep in mind that the bottle gourd is roasted well.  If you cannot do this, then cook the gourd and save it.  After mashing, mix all these things in it.  Mix mustard oil, celery, black salt, green coriander and salt on top.  After this, consume these things.

    1. Cool the Stomach

    The stuffing of bottle gourd helps in cooling the stomach.  It helps in balancing the pH of the stomach and increases the metabolic rate.  Also, you can add curd, which also acts as a probiotic, promoting the growth of gut bacteria.

    2. Will reduce obesity

    Consuming fenugreek can help in reducing obesity in many ways.  It is zero fat, but it is also high in calories.  Eat it to fill your stomach without gaining weight.  In such a situation, you can eat gourd bharta to reduce obesity.

    3. Decrease Uric Acid

    Consuming stuffed bitter gourd can be beneficial in removing problems related to uric acid in many ways.  This filler helps in reducing purines through urine.  Prevents uric acid from increasing in the body and prevents the problem of gout.  Thus fenugreek has health benefits.

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These 3 chutneys are rich in Vitamin C, know the method and benefits of eating them
   Vitamin C Chutney: This Vitamin C-rich chutney also helps in providing relief from nausea and vomiting.  how do you know?

   Vitamin C Chutney: Who doesn't like chutney.  After eating chutney, the taste of your mouth changes.  Apart from this, it is also effective in dealing with problems like acidity and nausea.  However, today we will introduce you to three chutneys rich in Vitamin C which can benefit your health in many ways.  Plus, they're made from seasonal fruits and vegetables, so they're healthy too.

   These 3 Chutneys Are Rich in Immune-Boosting Vitamin C

   1. Cranberry Chutney

   Cranberry chutney is good for your health in many ways.  Firstly, it helps in keeping your bladder healthy and prevents nausea and increased acidity.  You can eat this chutney even if you have UTI infection.  So, take one amla and add some jaggery, mint leaves, salt, mustard oil, green chillies and 2 cloves of garlic.  Grind them all and serve this chutney.

   2. Ketchup

   Tomato chutney is very good for your health.  It is rich in Vitamin C, which can increase the metabolic rate of the body.  Among other things, it benefits gut health and promotes good bacteria in the gut.  So take some raw and ripe tomatoes, add green chilies, coriander and grind them.  Add salt and a little mustard oil on top.

   3. Mango Chutney

   Consume mango chutney to avoid heatstroke and stomach problems in the summer season.  Eat this and you will not have problems with indigestion and nausea.  Also, it balances the pita bread while keeping the stomach cool.  That's why eat raw or ripe mangoes.  After roasting, green chillies, coriander and cumin seeds are added.  Grind them together.  Serve this chutney by adding lemon salt on top.


After eating this Kulfi, you will also say- Wow!  The formula is very special, and it tastes great.
    Pumpkin Kulfi: This Kulfi made of pumpkin is amazing in taste as well as its benefits.  The most important thing is to eat without worrying about obesity and sugar cravings.

    Making Pumpkin Kulfi Many people do not like to eat pumpkin at all.  But, everyone likes to eat Kulfi.  So, this summer we will be eating Kaddu ki Kulfi and learn how to make it.  The most important thing is that it can be easily made at home and diabetic patients can also eat it.  There is no sugar in it, but after eating it, even the memory of sugar does not come.  Know why and how.

    Pumpkin Kulfi Recipe - Pumpkin Kulfi Recipe

    To make pumpkin kulfi, grate or grind the pumpkin and keep it aside.  Grind the dates in the same way except for the dry fruits and ground cardamom.  Now cook all these with half a kilo of milk.  Boil the milk to thicken it.  So much so that it freezes instantly in the freezer.  So when you boil your milk so thick, let it cool a bit and keep it in the fridge.  After 4 to 5 hours you can take it out and eat it.

    benefits of eating pumpkin kulfi

    1. Not afraid of sugar

    People who are obese and diabetic feel that eating Kulfi will increase the amount of sugar, which will increase the problems in the body.  However, it is not so because pumpkin kulfi does not contain sugar but dates.  It curbs cravings while adding sweetness to keep you stress-free.

    2. Good for the stomach

    Pumpkin kulfi is beneficial for stomach health in many ways.  It's high in fiber, which is also good for your gut.  It energizes the body and also puts you in a good mood.  So instead of buying cold drinks and ice cream from outside, make this Kulfi at home and eat it yourself.

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Eat curd rice for lunch, learn about its recipe and the benefits of eating it in summer

  Curd Rice: Curd rice means curd and rice, even if you think it's a South Indian dish, anyone can eat it.  Eating this dish in summer is more beneficial to the body.  In fact, the curd is rich in vitamin C and probiotics, and the rice contains a lot of starch.  However, rotten rice is used in tofu rice, so it also becomes a probiotic, which is good for your health.  So, let us know about their recipes and benefits.

  Curd Rice Recipe

  To make tofu rice, first soak the rice overnight.  Then mix it in curd in the morning.  After this, temper the red chillies, curry leaves and mustard seeds.  Add some coriander leaves or salt on top and have the meal.

  Benefits of Eating curd Rice - Benefits of Tofu Rice

  1. Rich in Probiotics

  Tofu rice is rich in probiotics, which is very beneficial to the stomach.  This rice keeps your gut bacteria healthy and helps boost your digestive system.  This also boosts metabolism and makes you feel better.

  rice cereal

  2. Cooling

  Tofu rice acts as a coolant in the stomach.  Eating this in summer will protect you from stomach irritation and indigestion.  At the same time, it is also good for dieters, accelerating weight loss by boosting energy.

  3. Good for acidity and bloating

  Eating tofu rice is good for people with stomach acid and bloating.  It is digested quickly and comfortably and prevents the overproduction of acidic bile.  This does not cause acidity and bloating issues.  So, for all these reasons, you should eat tofu rice.

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This mango shake is very unique, learn to drink this drink in summer
  Mango Smoothie Recipe: Who does not like Mango Smoothie.  But, today we will tell you about this special recipe.  Know what it is.
   Mango Smoothie Recipe: Who does not like mango smoothie in summer.  Not only energetic, but also happy mood after drinking.  This is a desi drink, we have given it a foreign name Shake.  Mango smoothie is usually made by mixing it with milk, but today we are making it with curd.  Also put something special in it.  So let's know about its recipe and its benefits.

   This is a unique way to make Mango Shake - Pudina Makhana Mango Shake Recipe
   To make this Mango Shake, you will need curd, makhana, sugar and mangoes.  So first beat the curd, add mango pulp and blend it with a blender.  Now soak the makhana in water first and then mix it in water.  Add mint leaves, sugar, black salt and salt on top.  Mix all these and enjoy this drink.

   Benefits of drinking Pudina Makhana Mango Smoothie
   1. Rich in fiber and roughage
   Pudina Makhana Mango Smoothie is really rich in fiber and roughage.  This will increase your metabolic rate and speed up digestion.  This mango smoothie cleanses the stomach and also helps in weight loss.  Therefore, for healthy digestion, do consume this smoothie.

   2. This Mango Smoothie Is Probiotic
   This mango smoothie is really rich in probiotics, which can boost your health in multiple ways.  In fact it contains curd, which is a probiotic that promotes the growth of gut bacteria.  This probiotic also cools the gut and prevents many summer problems.

   3. Helps Restore Moisture
   Consuming mango smoothie can help in restoring the moisture in several ways.  It brings freshness to your body and helps in making all the organs healthy.  In this way, not only the burning sensation of the feet will end, but many skin related problems can also be avoided.


Consuming these seeds with lemon water will reduce gas and the effect will be visible within 15 days
  Chia Lemonade: Lemon water and chia seeds can benefit your health in many ways.  But how do they help with weight loss.  Come and let us know.

  Lemonade with Chia Seeds: Things People Don't Do to Lose Weight  And if you just control your diet multiple times, the job can be done with ease.  Beyond that, you have to focus on those things that speed up fat metabolism and start reducing body fat stores.  So, today we are going to tell you about such a home remedy that works fast for your body.  Not only do they help you lose weight, but they also help you burn fat, which is lemon water and chia seeds.

  How to Serve Lemonade with Chia Seeds

  You can drink lemonade and chia seeds in two ways.  First, you have to make lemonade, then add chia seeds.  Let it sit for a while, then mix it with honey.

  Benefits of Lemon Water and Chia Seeds for Weight Loss

  1. Increase fat metabolism rate

  Both lemon water and chia seeds can help increase fat metabolism.  What's special about lemon water is that it contains citric acid, which helps in fat loss.  Second, chia seeds contain fiber, which increases the metabolic rate of the stomach.  In this way, both of them together help to lose weight faster.

  Chia Seed and Lemonade

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  2. Rich in fiber

  Foods rich in fiber always help to lose weight fast.  You just need to know the right way to eat.  When you soak chia seeds in water, it forms a gel compound that adheres to body fat and acts to remove it.

3. Helps Cleanse the Stomach

   Chia seeds and lemon water are both effective in cleansing the stomach.  Together these two compounds increase the metabolic rate of the stomach and speed up the process of digestion of food.  It then adds bulk to the stool and helps move it out of the body.  This helps in cleaning the stomach.

READ more about the food recipe

Eat these parathas for breakfast by eliminating the problem of high cholesterol and high sugar
    Karela Paratha: Patients with ailments like diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, PCOD and thyroid put a wall of abstinence in their food.  Yes, these people think before eating anything.  But, today we're bringing those folks a fantastic healthy recipe that's good for all.  This recipe is bitter gourd parathas and it is so easy to make.  So let us know how to make Karela Paratha.

    Karela Paratha Recipe

    To make Karela Paratha, take 2 bitter gourds, 1 tsp gram flour, 1 cup all purpose flour, 1 tsp flaxseed, 1 tsp oats, salt, green chilli, coriander and onion.  Now chop the vegetables.  Later, the bitter gourd is boiled and mashed or deseeded and ground.  Now mix all these things in the flour and knead well.  Apply some oil and leave on for 10 minutes.  Now make paratha and serve.

    carrera parta

    The water of this fruit effectively cleanses the kidneys, removing stones and dirt particles within a week.

    Benefits of eating bitter melon paranthas

    1. Good for Diabetes

    Bitter melon is also known to be good for diabetes and this paratha can be eaten comfortably.  In fact, when diabetics worry about rising sugar levels, bitter melon paranthas also contain bitter melon and oats, which can also prevent sugar levels from rising.

    2. Linked to low-fat diets

    Bitter gourd paratha is a low-fat food, so you don't have to worry about getting fat after eating it.  After eating this, you are not afraid of increasing high cholesterol and obesity, and this paratha can also provide energy for the body.  Plus, it kick-starts your metabolism booster in the morning.

    3. Stomach will stay healthy

    Bitter melon paratha is good for the stomach.  This paratha contains fiber and whole grains to increase your metabolic rate and keep your digestive system healthy.  Apart from this, bitter gourd has antibacterial properties that can kill stomach bugs and get rid of many problems related to the digestive system.


From Clove Tea to These 5 Healthy Teas to Start Your Day

  International Tea Day: Most people start their day with tea.  It is also one of the most consumed beverages worldwide.  Let us tell you, today is a favorite day for tea lovers.  In fact, May 21st is celebrated every year as International Tea Day.  Under such circumstances, on the occasion of World Tea Day, today we will introduce to you such a health-preserving tea, which can not only make your digestive system healthy, but also make your heart, lungs, and liver healthy.  Let's understand them in detail.

  What is the origin of International Tea Day?

  It is said that tea was first discovered in China.  It was first tasted by the Chinese emperor Shennong.  Thereafter, the British first started growing tea crops in India in 1824, and then in Darjeeling, Nilgiris and Assam.  the

  Start your day with these teas

  1. Peppermint tea

  To make mint tea, first put 2 cups of water in a container, add 7-8 mint leaves, half teaspoon of black pepper, pinch of black or rock salt and boil for 5 minutes.  Strain and serve afterwards.  You can also add milk if you like.  It heals many health related problems in a natural way.  the

  2. Clove tea

  To do this, first, cloves, cumin, and cinnamon are placed in tawa and lightly toasted into a powder.  Afterwards, whenever you want to make tea, just pop it in hot water and it's ready to brew.  This tea aids in weight loss and cardiorespiratory fitness.

  3. Celery tea

  To do this, bring 2 cups of water to a boil in a pot.  After that, put half a spoonful of celery in it and bring to a boil over low heat.  You can also put some basil leaves in it if you like.  When 1 cup remains, strain and serve warm.  the

  4. Ginger tea

  Ginger tea, after making tea simply, add ginger.  Ginger tea helps fight off seasonal flu and infections.

READ This ALSO........
These 5 Vegetables Rich in Vitamin B12 Are No Less Than Brain-Boosting


   Pumpkin is rich in vitamin B-12, which has a variety of benefits for your health.  In fact, eating pumpkin can strengthen your brain cells, improving their ability to think and understand.  Apart from this, pumpkin also contains vitamins that help with many problems related to bones and skin.

   Image source: FREEPIK

   brain health

   3. Mushrooms

   Mushrooms contain high amounts of vitamin B12, which can sharpen your brain.  In addition to this, it is an immune booster that boosts T cells in the body.  In addition to this, this vegetable also contains vitamin D which is good for the body.  this

   International Tea Day: From Clove Tea to These 5 Healthy Teas to Start Your Day, Keep Disease Away, Get the Recipe

   4. Potatoes

   Even if you thought eating potatoes wouldn't do you any good, you'd be wrong.  Because it contains vitamin B12, which acts as your brain booster.  So, eat boiled potatoes or eat curried potatoes.  Both are good for you.  this

   5. Beets

   Beetroot contains vitamins B-9 and B-12.  Plus, it contains potassium, iron, and manganese, which improve blood flow and protect the heart from several diseases.  In addition to this, it is also a brain tonic that is beneficial for health.

READ THIS ALSO..........

For those who don't like pumpkin, use these 5 ways to eat it once and keep eating it.

  Do you like pumpkins?  If yes, that's fine, but if it's neither, then you should make it a habit to eat it.  In fact, pumpkin contains vitamin C, vitamin E and some types of omega-3.  Apart from keeping the brain healthy, it acts like a superfood that heals many problems of the body.  So, let's find out how pumpkin is made and its special recipe.

  How to make pumpkin -
  1. Pumpkin Juice

  Pumpkin juice can benefit your health in many ways.  delicious.  So boil the squash and chop it.  Then add some water, rock sugar, black salt and lemon juice.  Now prepare the juice by mixing all these and drink it.

  2. Pumpkin Pudding

  You will be in a good mood after eating pumpkin kheer.  You can stir it up by adding milk and pumpkin.  Then add dried fruit, cream and sugar or jaggery and serve this kheer.

  3. Pumpkin Raita

  Pumpkin Raita is super easy to make.  Its tests can make your heart happy.  So take curd or buttermilk and add cooked and mashed squash.  Now finely chop the coriander, green chillies and mint leaves and mix them together and serve.

  4. Pumpkin Pudding

  Pumpkin Pudding will make your heart happy.  So boil or steam the squash and mash it.  Then add desi ghee and sugar.  Cook slowly until it changes color.  Mix dried fruit on top and serve.

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Top 10 upcoming expressways in India: भारत में शीर्ष 10 आगामी एक्सप्रेसवे: वे एक नियमित राजमार्ग से कैसे भिन्न हैं फ़रवरी 13, 2023 द्वारा: अंबर बनर्जी आगे बढ़ने का रास्ता: भारत को 2025 तक 1.8 लाख किलोमीटर राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग जोड़ने की उम्मीद है, जिसका उद्देश्य 5 ट्रिलियन डॉलर की अर्थव्यवस्था बनने की दिशा में देश की यात्रा को बढ़ावा देना है। सिर्फ यात्रियों के लिए नहीं: इन एक्सप्रेसवे का उद्देश्य व्यापार संपर्क में सुधार करना, अर्थव्यवस्था को मजबूत करना और आसपास के क्षेत्रों पर सकारात्मक प्रभाव डालना है। 1. दिल्ली-मुंबई एक्सप्रेसवे: 1,386 किलोमीटर लंबे दिल्ली-मुंबई एक्सप्रेसवे पर काम चल रहा है, जो यात्रा के समय को 24 घंटे से घटाकर सिर्फ 12 घंटे कर देगा। यह 98,000 करोड़ रुपये की अनुमानित लागत से बनाया जा रहा है और एक बार पूरा हो जाने पर यह सबसे लंबा एक्सप्रेसवे होगा। 2. द्वारका एक्सप्रेसवे: यह भारत का पहला शहरी एक्सप्रेसवे होगा। 29 किमी का एक्सप्रेसवे दिल्ली, गुरुग्राम और हरियाणा के अन्य क्षेत्रों के बीच यात्रा के समय को कम करने के लिए बनाया जा रहा है। इसे 9,000 करोड़ रुपये ...