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Are your teeth not getting cleaned even after brushing day and night? Eat these 4 fruits to remove yellowness of teeth

Teeth cleaning fruits: You may find it strange to hear about these teeth cleaning fruits, but this method is natural and effective too.

Are your teeth not getting cleaned even after brushing day and night?  Eat these 4 fruits to remove yellowing of teeth - India TV Hindi
Image Source : FREEPIK

Teeth Cleansing Fruits: Most of us are troubled by the yellowing of the teeth. For this people change different types of toothpaste and brush but still remain upset till the end. In such a situation, some fruits can help you in cleaning the teeth. Yes, even if you are surprised, there are some active compounds in fruits that can clean your teeth. Such as malic acid, citric acid and magnesium. Whatever these three things are in, they can help in cleaning your teeth. So, let's know which fruit cleans the teeth by eating (fruits for teeth health).

By eating which fruit the teeth become clean-best fruit for teeth whitening

1. Watermelon for teeth whitening

Watermelon contains more malic acid than fruits like strawberries and apples. Malic acid plays a role in whitening your teeth and promoting saliva production. It helps in removing yellowness from the surface of the teeth. Also, the fibrous texture of watermelon scrubs your teeth, which can bring back the shine of the teeth.

2. Apple for teeth whitening

Apple is rich in both citric and malic acid. Also, when you eat it, the yellow substance deposited on it starts scrubbing due to its juice in the teeth. In such a situation, eating apples continuously or rubbing apple peel on the teeth can help in reducing yellowness. 


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3. Strawberries - Strawberries for teeth whitening

Strawberries contain malic acid as well as sourness which is due to citric acid. Both of these compounds act as bleaching agents and can help lighten stains on teeth. 

4. Pineapple for teeth whitening

Your teeth are covered by a pellicle or a layer of salivary protein. Your pellicle layer protects your teeth, but it absorbs food colorings and causes your teeth to turn yellow. In such a situation, a proteolytic enzyme called bromelain found in pineapple cleans the layer of pellicle and enhances the shine of the teeth. So, eat all these fruits and keep your teeth clean.


After how many days should face pack be applied? Learn the right way to use for beautiful skin

We all use face packs in different ways. But, everyone's question is, after how many days the face pack should be applied? Let's know about this.

After how many days should face pack be applied?  Learn the right way to use it for beautiful skin - India TV Hindi
Image Source : FREEPIK
 to apply face pack: We all apply face pack. It is helpful in removing many skin problems and maintaining the glow of the face. People use face packs in different ways according to their different skin types. But, most of the people do not know that when and after how many days the face pack should be applied. So, let us tell you about this. During this, we will also know which face pack we can use according to our skin. 

How often should you use a face pack?

1. For dry skin people

If your skin is dry then you should apply face pack on your skin twice a week. In this also you should use a face pack with hydrating properties, which can work in different ways according to your health. For example, you can use aloe vera face pack or avocado face pack.

2. For those with oily skin

If your skin is oily then you should use face pack once a week. In this also you should use a face pack made of multani mitti and gram flour. While applying it, add some rose water too. But use only 1 day in a week. Otherwise, overuse can dry out the skin further, increasing oil production and making the skin more oily. 

face pack

Image Source : FREEPIK
face pack

3. For those with sensitive skin

For people with sensitive skin, a mixed face pack should be used. For example, you should try to use milk cream and clay or fruit face pack. Also apply it once in 2 weeks. Otherwise, it can make sensitive skin more sensitive and cause more damage. 


World Malaria Day 2023: This 1 mosquito of malaria can do many damages in the body, effect lasts for a long time

World Malaria Day 2023: Today is celebrated worldwide as World Malaria Day 2023. This year its theme is 'Zero Malaria'

World Malaria Day 2023: This 1 mosquito of malaria can do many damages in the body, effect lasts for a long time - India TV Hindi
Image Source : FREEPIK
malaria after effect

World Malaria Day 2023: Malaria is a disease that spreads through the bite of female Anopheles mosquitoes. This mosquito spreads a virus called Plasmodium vivax and after its bite your body gets infected and then the symptoms of malaria start appearing in your body. Everyone knows about what happens in the body during malaria, but no one knows about what happens after malaria. Come, let's know about this today.

These damages are seen in the body after malaria - How does malaria impact the body? 

1. Weakness lasts for a long time

During malaria, there is a loss of red blood cells (RBC's) in your body. Because of this the body goes into a state of anemia and starts feeling its symptoms. Due to this, most people complain of back pain including weakness, long-lasting fatigue, muscle pain. 

2. Spleen gets damaged

Spleen, an organ that is part of the lymphatic system. The spleen makes lymphocytes that filter the blood and store blood tissues. When malaria occurs, the old blood vessels are destroyed and the spleen begins to deteriorate. This affects the process of blood purification in the body. 


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3. Immunity becomes weak

After getting malaria, your immunity becomes weak. Your body can't repair itself properly, which is why you can get sick every few days after getting malaria. Apart from this, after getting malaria, different symptoms can be seen in the body. 

So, avoid the disease of malaria. Prepare to avoid mosquitoes at home. Also, take high protein diet after malaria and try to avoid this disease.

Next health tips below 👇

Your arteries can get blocked like a pipe, include Omega-3 foods in your diet for protection.

Omega 3 for high cholesterol: Consumption of some foods rich in Omega 3 can reduce the problem of high cholesterol. How do you know?

Your arteries can get blocked like a pipe, include Omega-3 foods in your diet for prevention - India TV Hindi
Image Source : FREEPIK

Omega 3 for high cholesterol: Bad fats and triglycerides released from oily foods can accumulate in your arteries. These are actually bad fat molecules that get deposited in your arteries and start blocking the way of blood. These stick to your arteries and this causes the heart to feel pressure to pump blood. In such a situation, these foods rich in omega-3 can help in reducing the accumulation of these fat molecules in the arteries. how and why. So, let us know in detail about these foods.

Omega 3 foods for high cholesterol blocked arteries

1. Flaxseed for high cholesterol 

Consuming flax seeds can help lower cholesterol. Actually, there are two special things about these seeds. Firstly these seeds are rich in fiber and secondly these seeds have omega-3. While the fiber of these seeds cleans the arteries, its omega-3 keeps the walls of the arteries healthy. In this way, both the mills are helpful in reducing high cholesterol and preventing heart diseases. 


Image Source : FREEPIK

2. Walnuts for high cholesterol 

In addition to omega-3 in walnuts, there are also some antioxidants that are beneficial for the heart as well. Studies show that walnuts, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. These reduce the level of LDL cholesterol and boost HDL cholesterol. 

3. Chia Seeds-chia seeds for high cholesterol 

Chia seeds contain soluble fiber and mucilage, which gives chia seeds their sticky texture. These fibers can help lower LDL cholesterol and slow down digestion. Apart from this, they take out the particles of bad fat from the body along with them. Apart from this, its omega-3 protects against heart-related diseases by keeping the arteries healthy.


White  things are poison for kidney, Baba Ramdev told why keep distance from them as the temperature rises

These white things are poison for kidney, Baba Ramdev told why keep distance from them as the temperature rises

These measures of Baba Ramdev can work fast in keeping the kidney healthy. Also, their special thing is that it removes the lack of water in the body.

These white things are poison for kidney, Baba Ramdev told why keep distance from them as the temperature risesImage Source : FREEPIK

The world is heating up. Earth is warming faster than records, due to global warming, glaciers are melting. Yes, WMO i.e. World Metrological Organization has introduced it. Yes, WMO has claimed in its report that climate change has also affected the Indian subcontinent. Due to lack of food grains, drought and floods, migration is not only increasing, it is also affecting the health of the people. Especially on the kidney. 

The reason is also clear that due to increase in temperature, the problem of dehydration increases and if thirst is not taken care of, then due to lack of water, extra calcium does not come out of the body and crystals start forming. The problem of stones can increase up to 50 percent. The result is that due to the stone, there is a blockage in the urine and the toxins present in the body are not able to come out, due to which there is pressure on the kidney. And as it becomes weak, the risk of failure increases. And if once the kidney gets sick, it does not seem to reach dialysis. The condition is that every year about 2.25 lakh dialysis patients increase in the country. 

In fact, people take kidney problem seriously only when they detect kidney infection and protein leakage in urine, and by then the most important organ of the body has been damaged by 60-70%. This is the reason why kidney patients have doubled in the country in the last 15 years, but if yoga and Ayurveda are included in the routine, then this figure can be reduced. So let's know from Swami Ramdev that which Yogic-Ayurvedic measures should be implemented to keep the kidney healthy this summer. 

white poison for kidney

Salt contains sodium,
excessive salt
disturbs the sodium balance in the body
, it affects kidney function,  
water does not come out of the body,
it causes high BP.  

eat high salt food carefully 

Packed Food
Tomato Sauce
Instant Soup

white sugar poison for kidney

Kidney filters damaged due to excess glucose in the blood

eat high sugar food carefully 

Fruit Juice
Flavored Milk
Cold Drink
Bakery Products

kidney will be healthy

control weight,
avoid smoking,
drink plenty of water,
do not take junk food,
do not take too many painkillers.

Save kidney, home remedies 

Drink 1 teaspoon of neem leaf juice in the morning and
1 teaspoon of peepal leaf juice in the evening.

cause of stones 

Drinking less water,
eating more salt-sweets,
eating more non-veg,
calcium-protein level deteriorating


Sour Buttermilk
Kulath Daal
Kulath Daal Water
Barley Flour
Pattharchatta Leaves

Kidney will remain healthy, gokhru water 

Boil the bun in water and cool it.
Drink the water of bun in the morning and evening
to avoid kidney stone and infection.

kidney stone will end

Boil cob hair in water and
drink it after filtering,
UTI infection will also go away.


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Top 10 upcoming expressways in India: भारत में शीर्ष 10 आगामी एक्सप्रेसवे: वे एक नियमित राजमार्ग से कैसे भिन्न हैं फ़रवरी 13, 2023 द्वारा: अंबर बनर्जी आगे बढ़ने का रास्ता: भारत को 2025 तक 1.8 लाख किलोमीटर राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग जोड़ने की उम्मीद है, जिसका उद्देश्य 5 ट्रिलियन डॉलर की अर्थव्यवस्था बनने की दिशा में देश की यात्रा को बढ़ावा देना है। सिर्फ यात्रियों के लिए नहीं: इन एक्सप्रेसवे का उद्देश्य व्यापार संपर्क में सुधार करना, अर्थव्यवस्था को मजबूत करना और आसपास के क्षेत्रों पर सकारात्मक प्रभाव डालना है। 1. दिल्ली-मुंबई एक्सप्रेसवे: 1,386 किलोमीटर लंबे दिल्ली-मुंबई एक्सप्रेसवे पर काम चल रहा है, जो यात्रा के समय को 24 घंटे से घटाकर सिर्फ 12 घंटे कर देगा। यह 98,000 करोड़ रुपये की अनुमानित लागत से बनाया जा रहा है और एक बार पूरा हो जाने पर यह सबसे लंबा एक्सप्रेसवे होगा। 2. द्वारका एक्सप्रेसवे: यह भारत का पहला शहरी एक्सप्रेसवे होगा। 29 किमी का एक्सप्रेसवे दिल्ली, गुरुग्राम और हरियाणा के अन्य क्षेत्रों के बीच यात्रा के समय को कम करने के लिए बनाया जा रहा है। इसे 9,000 करोड़ रुपये ...