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Which AC to buy: 3-star or 5-star, which is beneficial to buy, know here

Which AC to buy: 3-star or 5-star, which is beneficial to buy, know here

Which AC to buy: 3-star or 5-star, which is beneficial to buy, know hereImage Source : FileIf you are preparing to buy a new AC, then it is very important for you to know which star rating AC to buy will be economical and beneficial.  We are telling you the math of 3-star and 5-star ratings of ACs.Hindi News - India TV Hindi

If you are preparing to buy a new AC, then it is very important for you to know which star rating AC to buy will be economical and beneficial. We are telling you the math of 3-star and 5-star ratings of ACs.

Image Source : FileWhat is Star Rating: The star rating system of an AC refers to the energy efficiency.  Also tells the cooling capacity.  That is, AC of more star rating consumes less electricity.Hindi News - India TV Hindi

What is Star Rating: The star rating system of an AC refers to the energy efficiency. Also tells the cooling capacity. That is, AC of more star rating consumes less electricity.

Image Source : FileKey difference between 3-star and 5-star: The cooling capacity of an AC with 5-star rating is higher as compared to 3-star rating.  5 Star AC consumes less power as compared to 3 Star AC.Hindi News - India TV Hindi

Key difference between 3-star and 5-star: The cooling capacity of an AC with 5-star rating is higher as compared to 3-star rating. 5 Star AC consumes less power as compared to 3 Star AC.

Image Source : Fo;ePower Consumption Calculation: The 5 Star 1.5 Ton AC consumes an average of 1450W per hour.  The 3 Star 1.5 Ton AC consumes an average of 1600W per hour.

Power Consumption Calculation: The 5 Star 1.5 Ton AC consumes an average of 1450W per hour. The 3 Star 1.5 Ton AC consumes an average of 1600W per hour.

Image Source : Fo;eIf you run this for 8 hours a day, then you will run AC for 240 hours in 30 days.  i.e. power consumption per month of 5 star AC: (1450 * 240 / 1000) units  i.e. total 348 units.  Whereas, electricity consumption per month of 3 star AC: (1600 * 240 / 1000) units  i.e. total 384 units.

If you run this for 8 hours a day, then you will run AC for 240 hours in 30 days. i.e. power consumption per month of 5 star AC: (1450 * 240 / 1000) units i.e. total 348 units. Whereas, power consumption per month of 3 star AC: (1600 * 240 / 1000) units i.e. total 384 units.

Image Source : FileIn this way, the difference in power consumption between the two per month is 36 units.  If you pay electricity bill of Rs 8 per units, then you will have to pay at least Rs 288 more per month for installing 3 star AC as compared to 5 star.

In this way, the difference in power consumption between the two per month is 36 units. If you pay electricity bill of Rs 8 per units, then you will have to pay at least Rs 288 more per month for installing 3 star AC as compared to 5 star.

Image Source : FileWho is beneficial to buy: If you do not use the AC at home for 16 to 18 hours and run only for 6 to 8 hours, then buy a 3-star AC.

Who is beneficial to buy: If you do not use the AC at home for 16 to 18 hours and run only for 6 to 8 hours, then buy a 3-star AC.

Image Source : FileYou will not have much impact on the electricity bill.  Money will also be saved while buying.  On the other hand, if the running of AC is more then buying 5-star will be beneficial.

You will not have much impact on the electricity bill. Money will also be saved while buying. On the other hand, if the running of AC is more then buying 5-star will be beneficial.


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