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Turmoil in the list of billionaires, Ambani out of top-10, Adani inside 30, No.1 chair snatched from Musk

Turmoil in the list of billionaires, Ambani out of top-10, Adani inside 30, No.1 chair snatched from Musk

Billionaires List: Elon Musk has once again come at number two. At the same time, the stars of Gautam Adani, who were running in Gardish, now started twinkling a bit, then came inside the top-30 of Bloomberg Billionaire Index.

Turmoil in the list of billionaires, Ambani out of top-10, Adani inside 30, No.1 chair snatched from Musk 

There is a lot of upheaval in the ranking list of the world's billionaires. Elon Musk, who snatched the rich number-1 chair from Bernard Arnault a day ago, has once again come at number two. At the same time, Gautam Adani's stars running in Gardish started twinkling a bit, then he came inside the top-30 of Bloomberg Billionaire Index, while Mukesh Ambani has been out of the list of top-10 rich.

Adani Group Chairman Gautam Adani has now reached number 28 with assets of $ 43.1 billion in the latest figures of Bloomberg Billionaire Index. There was a tremendous jump in the shares of his companies on Wednesday. Due to this, his net worth increased by $ 3.14 billion on Wednesday.

At the same time, Asia's biggest tycoon Mukesh Ambani has been overtaken by America's Sergey Brin. Entry in Sergey Brin's list of top-10 rich has shown the way out to Mukesh Ambani. Ambani is at the 11th position with a net worth of $80.6 billion.

Number-1 chair snatched from Elon Musk again

Hours after regaining the status of the world's biggest billionaire, Elon Musk was stripped of the number-one chair. Bernard Arnault has again become the world's biggest billionaire. He has assets of 186 billion dollars. On Wednesday, his wealth increased by $ 1.99 billion, while Elon Musk's wealth decreased by $ 1.91 billion. Elon Musk now has assets of $ 184 billion.


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