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Do you know, there are three railway tracks in Bangladesh?... Also know the reason why it is so.

Do you know, there are three railway tracks in Bangladesh?... Also know the reason why it is so.

Double gauges are used in Bangladesh. There are three railway lines in this track. Let us know what their work is there.

Do you know, there are three railway tracks in Bangladesh?... Also know the reason why it is so.

Bangladesh has dual gauge railway tracks (Image Source: Facebook)

Three Railway Track: In our country India, lakhs of people travel daily by railways, because the cost of traveling by train is less. If there is a long distance then people choose the train only. It is comfortable as well as affordable. The condition is that even after booking tickets several days in advance, the tickets appear in the waiting list. At the time of festivals, so many people travel by railway that some stations look like a beehive. If you have ever traveled by train, then you must have seen that the train runs on 2 tracks, but have you ever seen such a railway track where not 2 but 3 tracks are used? Actually, some such railway tracks are used in our neighboring country Bangladesh.

history of bangladesh railway track

Any railway track is made according to the gauge. For this reason, the width of the tracks varies in different areas of the country. You must have also noticed that at some places the railway tracks are less wide and at other places a little more wide. According to the width, they are also called big line and small line. Double gauges are used in Bangladesh. There are three railway lines in this track.

However, there was a time when only meter gauge was used here. Then later, due to the expansion of railways, there was a need for broad gauge here too. At that time, there was a lot of expenditure involved in converting meter gauge to broad gauge. Because of this, Bangladesh Railway did not want to shut down the meter gauge railway network spread so far.

What is dual railway track?

Dual railway track is such a railway track, which works to run two different gauge trains on the same track. Many people and especially people working in railways call it mixed gauge. This track is prepared by mixing broad gauge and meter gauge, which has two gauge rails. Whereas, the third one is a common gauge. Common gauge is useful for trains of different gauges. Also tell that apart from Bangladesh, there are some other countries, which are using dual gauge.


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