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Arvind Arora with A2 motivation reached the Shark Tank, the judges sent him back in this condition!


Arvind Arora with A2 motivation reached the Shark Tank, the judges sent him back in this condition!

Arvind Arora with A2 motivation reached the Shark Tank, the judges sent him back in this condition!

If someone is already riding on the horse of success. Earning big money and what if he comes in Shark Tank India Season-2. The ideal condition says that the judge will take him hand in hand. Will stand with a blank check. But if the judges also thought the way we think, then we would be the judges. Let's fit the meter of the story, now come to the issue. The dice of the person with about one and a half million subscribers on YouTube turned completely upside down. Why, we tell.

, Episode 42. Arvind Arora took entry in this. Arvind from Bangalore has created an app called Conker. The app has more than 9 lakh downloads so far. According to Arvind, his app offers skill based courses. Meaning such courses by which you can get a job. Along with this, it also offers many other courses. For example, how to be a master in making reels or making videos on YouTube. The service on the app is not free, which means you will have to shell out money. Here we make a brief pause.

Arvind has another introduction. One by the name of A2 Motivation

He runs a channel which has about 14.5 million speakers and around 15 million users. He claims that he earns 12-15 lakh rupees a month from this channel. To say they already have an established setup. come back to the show

Arvind shared his idea with the judges and then put forth a strange demand. On the one hand, where everyone in the show comes with a proper demand related to funding, like how much is needed and at what stake. On the other hand, Arvind said that he just needs one rupee of Shagun.

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Arvind's bet backfired. Before his talk ended, Piyush clearly said that he is out because you are twisting the matter. Not only this, when the shark asked once again, Arvind offered double the share of his company's actual value in exchange for the investment.

It is obvious that the judges did not like this. However, he wanted Rs 40 lakh in exchange for one percent stake. Judge Aman was also irritated by the offer of single-double. By the way, all the judges liked the idea of ​​the app and the reason for making it.

what did you get from shark tank

Nothing contrary to expectation. As we mentioned, the judges were not impressed by Arvind's pitch even though his app is profitable. Shark Anupam even refused to compare him with other companies like Byju's. He was clearly told not to twist the matter. When Anupam mentioned about an app but Arvind did not know about it. After a long discussion, the judge came to the conclusion that the product was not working. He could only get good wishes from Shark Tank.


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