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'I wish we had Modi', video goes viral from poor Pakistan

'I wish we had Modi', video goes viral from poor Pakistan

Pakistan Economy Crisis: 'I wish we had Modi', the video went viral from poor Pakistan

Pakistan News: Pakistan feels that if anyone can save their country from poverty, then it is only the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi. Actually, the video of a Pakistani citizen is becoming very viral on the Internet. In this, he was seen criticizing the Pakistani government without any hesitation. He said that I wish he could live in India under the rule of Prime Minister Narendra Modi instead of being born in Pakistan. 

In the video, this person from Pakistan is saying that I wish we had Modi. We do not want Nawaz Sharif, Benazir, Imran Khan or Musharraf. We want Prime Minister Narendra Modi who can save this country from destruction. When asked whether he is ready to accept PM Modi's rule for a better life. He replied that yes, of course Modi is a great person.

Remembered the wounds of partition

He said that Indian Muslims are more happy. When you can't feed your children, you think why born in Pakistan. We wish to Allah that PM Modi should rule over us, so that he can improve the condition of our country. Remembering the wounds of partition, the man said, 'If partition had not happened and we would have been a part of India, we too would have been able to buy things at the right price today'. 

After this this person says – We do not want Nawaz-Imran, we want Modi. Modi is great. I wish their government was here. Pakistani YouTuber Sana Amjad shared this video three days ago on her channel, which has gone viral on seeing it. Many people have shared this video. 


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