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हारने पर हंसे लोग तो कतार में खड़ा करके मारी गोली, सात लोगों की मौत

हारने पर हंसे लोग तो कतार में खड़ा करके मारी गोली, सात लोगों की मौत

हारने पर हंसे लोग तो कतार में खड़ा करके मारी गोली, सात लोगों की मौत - India TV Hindi

लगातार दो पूल गेम्स हारने के बाद लोगों के उपहास उड़ाने से नाराज दो शख्स ने लोगों को कतार में खड़ा करके 12 साल की बच्ची समेत कुल 7 लोगों की गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी। यह घटना ब्राजील के माटो ग्रोसो राज्य के सिनोप सिटी है। इस घटना का वीडियो फुटेज भी सामने आया है जिसमें साफ तौर पर दिख रहा है कि किस तरह से दो शख्स ने लोगों को कतार में खड़ा करके गोली मार दी। 

 सिनोप सिटी में वारदात

जानकारी के मुताबिक सिनोप सिटी में दोनों शख्स पूल गेम्स में हार गए। एक के बाद एक लगातार दो गेम्स में हारने के बाद वहां मौजूद लोग उनपर हंसने लगे और उनका उपहास उड़ाने लगे। इससे दोनों शख्स बौखला गए और उन्होंने लोगों को कतार में खड़ा करके गोली मार दी।

पहले लाइन में खड़ा करवाया, फिर मारी गोली

वीडियो फुटेज से स्पष्ट है कि एक शख्स लोगों को कतार में खड़ा करवा रहा है जबकि दूसरा शख्स पिकअप वैन से हथियार निकाल कर लाता है। जहां कुछ देर लोग हंसते-खिलखिलाते हुए पूल गेम्स का आनंद ले रहे थे वहां गोलियों की बौछार सबकुछ शांत कर देती है। वहां सात लोगों की लाशें बिछ जाती हैं।

कैश लेकर फरार हुए बंदूकधारी

वीडियो फुटेज के मुताबिक सबसे पहले सफेद टी-शर्ट पहने हुए शख्स को प्वाइंट ब्लैंक रेंज से गोली मारी जाती है, उसके बाद दूसरा शख्स भी अपने हैंडगन के साथ लोगों पर फायरिंग शुरू कर देता है। इस गोलीकांड में कुछ लोगों के जीवित बचे होने की भी संभवना जताई जा रही है। वहीं नरसंहार के बाद दोनों बंदूकधारी वहां पूल टेबल पर रखे कैश और महिलाओं का पर्स लेकर फरार हो गए।

Emotional true story of Arif and Saras will touch your heart, know the full story here

The emotional true story of Arif and Saras will touch your heart, know why people are searching on Google - India TV Hindi

A video is going viral on social media. It is being claimed about this video that it is from Amethi in Uttar Pradesh. A pair of a young man and a stork can be seen in the video. Everyone is surprised to see this. The friendship between a bird and a human is now being discussed all over India. Now you watch this viral video, then tell you the whole story that how did the friendship between a man and a bird happen?

video will touch heart

In this viral video, a young man is seen on a scooty. A stork is seen flying behind the young man. It is seen that the stork is following the young man. Yes, Saras is following the young man as both of them are very close friends. You can clearly see in the video that the young man points at the bird and the bird reacts to it. This video is now going viral very fast on social media. Now coming to the full news that how did the stork and the young man become friends?

This is how a strong friendship happened 
You must have seen a lot of friendship between dogs and humans, but the friendship between cranes and humans is a bit surprising. Arif, a resident of Amethi, had saved the life of an injured stork just seven months back. In August 2022, Arif found this stork in the fields. Arif's Dariya Dilli won everyone's heart. After getting treatment, the stork started living in the house. The family members thought that he would fly away after recovering but the stork did not take the name of leaving Arif. A firm friendship developed between the two. Today it has become such that wherever Arif goes, the stork follows him. He too starts chasing on the bike.

A person found a bad coin inside the ground, know the whole story

A person found a bad coin inside the ground, yet it is getting a surprising price in the market - India TV Hindi

A metal detectorist in Britain has found a hoard of coins. You will be surprised to know the cost of which. The young man got a coin first. After this he started digging more, after which he found a pile of coins. Talking about the value of those coins, according to the Indian rupee, it would be more than one crore. Let us tell you that the person who has dug out the coins is 68-year-old Tony House from Chippenham, UK. Earlier in Britain, there is a record of finding more than 5 thousand coins in Lincolnshire in 1807. 

How old are the coins? 

According to the information received, the 865-year-old coins were produced during the Plantagenet period between 1158 and 1180. At the same time, experts say that these coins cannot be read easily. After seeing this, it seems that the worst coin ever made in the country. Despite all this, the coins are getting good rates in the market. One coin is worth 350 dollars. In such a situation, Tony House can get a lot of money. 

Tony's life changed
Tony told about this that it was a summer day. We were sitting inside the car. A coin was guessed from inside the car. We started digging on concrete ground. We have got 35 coins. Even after this I did not stop. I got another 130 coins. Let us tell you that at one time Tony was in the food business but due to some reason the business had to be closed. After this, the work of the detectorist started. Tony's life has completely changed after he finds 570 old coins.

related news

. How many locks are open in this photo? Mastermind people have also lost their mind

How many locks are open in this photo?  Mastermind people also have brain hangs, can you tell?  - India TV Hindi

If you think you have a sharp eye then these games are for you. This type of game is called optical illusion. Good people break a sweat in the game of optical illusion. It is not in everyone's capacity to solve such a mysterious puzzle in the photo. Now see this photo is becoming very viral among people on social media. How many locks are open in the photo, it depends on your eyesight that how soon you can see it. 

answer fast 

How many locks are open in you photo. Tell the answer within 10 seconds. This way the game becomes easier to play. It is too late to understand only once. Understand in simple language that the photo has been designed in such a way that all the locks will be easily understood but you have to find how many locks are open among all of them. You can play this game with your kids or anyone. This type of game can sharpen the mind because in this the mind has to be kept in one place so that we can solve the photo easily.

did you lose 
If you have given up, we will tell you how much the lock is open in this photo. Let us tell you that after some time people do not lose in this game because this game becomes very easy. Then the photo is easily solved. We have shared a photo for you. We have surrounded this photo with a red circle, so that you will know how many locks are open. Playing this game has a great effect on the mind. 

  • Only two locks are open in it.

    Only two locks are open in it.

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. Leopard's backflip created panic among monkeys, video went viral on social media

Leopard's backflip created panic among monkeys, video went viral on social media - India TV Hindi

Many times you must have seen animals fighting with each other in the forests. Some of those fight videos are such that after watching them, the eyes remain wide open. After watching the video, it is not sure whether this can really happen because sometimes such things are recorded in the camera, which is not believed even after watching. Like in this video the leopard does a back flip to catch the monkey. Everyone is shocked to see this, can a leopard also do this?

Monkey and Leopard Backflip 

In this video going viral on social media, it can be seen that a leopard is running behind to catch a monkey. To save himself, the monkey descends from the tree and climbs the tree again. But the monkey does not know that his trick is not going to work. As soon as the monkey climbs to the top of the tree, the leopard also climbs the tree behind. The leopard does a quick backflip to catch its monkey. Then does the monkey come under the control of the leopard? 

Yeh Flip Hero Marte Hain
This video was uploaded by a user on Twitter. While sharing the video, it was written that the leopard hit a back flip to catch the monkey. More than 7 lakh people have watched the video. At the same time, more than 18 thousand people have liked it. The reactions of the users on the video are shocking. One user wrote that this type of flip is used by heroes in films. One user wrote that leopard is a faster animal than monkey.

. Due to the discord in the family of lions, the life of the buffalo was saved, the story is such that you will be surprised to know

The bison in the lion's family saved the buffalo's life, the story is such that you will be surprised to know - India TV Hindi

Lion is the king of the jungle. In such a situation one thinks ten times before fighting with the king of the jungle. But what will happen when the lions start fighting with each other? The example of this is simple, other animals of the forest will have fun. Like this buffalo's life was saved. You must be wondering why the lion would leave the buffalo. So let's tell you the whole story. A video is going viral very fast on social media. After watching this video, you will feel happy for the buffalo as the buffalo escapes from the capture of the lion.

the buffalo slowly leaves

In this video going viral on social media, it can be seen that five lions are visible. Five lions suppress a buffalo and make it fall on the ground. As soon as the lions are about to make the buffalo their prey, one lion starts fighting with the other lion. Seeing the video, it seems that something must have happened between the two. After this, other lions also start fighting among themselves. The most surprising thing in this is that everyone attacks each other except the buffalo. While the buffalo slowly gets up and starts walking. The buffalo gets the advantage of the mutual fight of the lion. He leaves from there after saving his life.

The time has not come to die
This video has been shared by a Twitter user. The video has been viewed more than one crore times. And 8 thousand people have liked it. The reactions of users are also coming to the fore on the video. A user wrote that the buffalo's life has been saved from the house fight. One user wrote that God has not yet written the death of the buffalo, so today it has not lost its life. 

Fierce fight between monkey and child, users said - 'This is the monkey of South'

Fierce fight between monkey and child, users said - 'This is the monkey of South' - India TV Hindi

Have you also had fun with animals in your childhood? If yes then this video will refresh your old memories. As you must have had a lot of fun watching monkeys in your childhood. Similarly today's children are also having a lot of fun with monkeys and other animals. See this video for example. In this video, a child is teasing a monkey, but the child is unaware that the monkey might do anything. 

don't mess with the monkey

In this video going viral on social media, it can be seen that a monkey and a child are visible. The child is teasing the monkey, but the child is not at all afraid that the monkey may bite him. Even after this he teases the monkey. But after some time the monkey teaches the child such a lesson that he will never make such a mistake again. The monkey turns back and kicks the child with its foot. After which the air of the child comes out. Fearing the monkey's attacking mode, the child runs away.

Ye Bandar Ka South Ka Hai
This video has been posted by an Instagram user. Several lakh views have come on the video. And 39 thousand people have liked the video. Funny reactions of the users are also coming out on the video. One user wrote that the monkey turned out to be Bruce Lee. One user wrote that this is a monkey of South. Such replies are coming from the users on this video, after watching which you will be surprised yourself.

Those who play cricket would know for sure, so tell quickly what will happen after this?

Those who play cricket would know for sure, so tell quickly what will happen after this?  - India TV Hindi

The craze of cricket from village to city is such that only cricket is on every Indian's tongue. Even today, when memories related to cricket come to the fore, it becomes a day. One such photo is becoming increasingly viral on social media. After seeing this photo, you too must have remembered your childhood. Although we used to distribute the team in many ways in cricket matches, but when the team was less and it was a matter of batting first, we used to follow this rule. Now this photo has again come in front of the forgotten eyes. 

Do you remember?

Can see in the photo that a young man is seen with a bat. There are many numbers written on the back of the young man's bat. And the long-pitch is drawn in front of the bat. If you have played cricket in your childhood then you must remember it. We tell those who don't know. When a cricket match is played without any team, consisting of three-four people, then it has to be decided who will bat how.

Let us tell you that the front line decides who will come out to bat first. We just have to put our finger on that line. After this you have to go for betting on the line on which the numbers will appear.

Have you played cricket in the street?
This photo has been shared by a Twitter user. The reach of this post has crossed one million. And more than 54 thousand people have liked it. Along with this, more than 2 thousand people have shared it. Reactions of users are also coming to the fore on the photo. One user wrote that whoever has played cricket in the street must know for sure. 

Driving a bike on one wheel shook the entire social media, but what happened next is not worth telling

Driving a bike on one wheel shook the entire social media, but what happened next is not worth telling - India TV Hindi

Strange talents are seen in the world of social media. In some videos, the level of talent is so high that the soul trembles on seeing it. One such video is becoming very viral on social media. You must have often seen videos of car or bike stunts on social media. This video is also similar, but after watching it, we can say with confidence that it will be surprising. So let's see the video of this talent.


In this video going viral on social media, it can be seen that a young man is riding a bike. You too must have been stunned by the way the young man rode his bike. Yes, we were going to tell you right here. The young man is riding the front part of the bike, but the most surprising thing is that the front wheel is missing in the motorcycle. That is, a young man is driving a one-wheeled motorcycle. After some time, such an incident happens to the young man, which he himself would not have thought of. The young man's bike becomes unbalanced. After this it falls on the road with great speed. After watching the video, it seems that the young man must have suffered a serious injury.

The boy proved him wrong
This video has been shared by an Instagram user. Several lakh views have come on the video. At the same time, more than 2 lakh people have liked it. Surprising answers of the users are coming out on the video. One user wrote that I thought the boy would not fall but he proved me wrong. One user wrote that there is no dearth of samples on this earth.

Amarjeet Jakar got an offer from Sonu Sood, going to Mumbai on this day

Amarjeet Jakar got an offer from Sonu Sood, will start his career with this film - India TV Hindi

This name is being discussed a lot for the last three-four days after going to Amarjeet. Everyone is talking about him on social media. Wherever you look, the songs of this boy are being heard. Now Amarjit has got a new flight through social media. Amarjeet himself has claimed that he has been offered to sing in a film by Sonu Sood from Bollywood. Let us tell you that Amarjit has become popular among people on social media with his singing. Amarjeet has created such an atmosphere that today Bollywood itself has come. 

Sonu Sood gave a chance

A video is becoming increasingly viral on the Internet, in which Amarjeet himself is going and saying that he has got a chance to sing in a Hindi film. In this regard, Amarjeet tells that he is going to Mumbai. He further tells that he will be in Mumbai on 27th and 28th. Sonu Sood is giving Amarjeet a chance to sing in his upcoming film 'Fateh'. In the 27-second clip, Amarjeet is telling about the song. 

Father runs a salon
Let us tell you that Amarjeet is basically a resident of Samastipur district of Bihar. He is in BA first year now. Let us tell you that Amarjeet's father runs a salon. Amarjeet wants to make his career in singing since the beginning. Giving information, he told that we used to sing songs in big houses, in return for which we used to get some money. Now Amarjeet has got a new flight. Through this, now we will bring our talent in front of the whole world. Along with this, listen to some songs of Amarjeet which are quite viral on social media.

The dance of the bride and groom changed the scene of the wedding, watch the video

The dance of the bride and groom changed the scene of the wedding, people said - 'The groom is shaking his waist more than the bride' - India TV Hindi
Edited By: Ravi Prashant
February 23, 2023 12:21 IST

Nowadays, many funny videos of bride and groom are being seen on social media. Some videos are being found, after watching which one feels whether the groom can really do this in his own marriage? The most surprising thing in this is that the bride is also supporting the groom. Although nowadays this has become a common thing in marriages, but it is understandable to an extent, here the groom crosses all the limits. If you watch this viral video, then after that you will understand the whole matter.

bride and groom dance 

It can be seen in this video that the bride and groom are visible. Both are dancing on a Bhojpuri song. Both dance in such a way that they forget the people around them. Relatives also get surprised to see the groom dancing in the in-laws house. You can clearly see in the video that the groom is dancing in full mood. And the bride is no less than the groom. The bride also dances a lot with the groom. The dance of both on the Bhojpuri song is becoming quite viral.

Funny reaction of users 
This video has been shared by an Instagram user. The video has been viewed by more than 40 lakh people. At the same time, likes have come on more than one lakh videos. Funny reactions of Instagram users are also coming to the fore on the video. You will be laughing after reading some comments. One user wrote that at least both are looking quite happy. That's the good thing. One user wrote that the groom is shaking his back more than the bride.  

Australia: Attacks on Hindu temples again, Khalistani flag hoisted on Indian embassy as soon as Jaishankar returns

Australia: Attacks on Hindu temples again, Khalistani flag hoisted on Indian embassy as soon as Jaishankar returns - India TV Hindi
Written By: Deepak Vyas
February 25, 2023 11:40 IST

Melbourne:  Melbourne: Recently India's Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar traveled to Australia, in which the two countries discussed mutual interests. But just a few days after the visit of External Affairs Minister Jaishankar, the Khalistani supporters have created a ruckus again. According to a report in Australia Today, they vandalized Hindu temples. Even the Khalistani supporters put a flag on the Indian Consulate located in the Australian city of Brisbane.

According to 'The Australia Today', India's Consul in Brisbane, Archana Singh, found a Khalistan flag near her office on 22 February. He immediately informed the Queensland Police about the incident. Archana Singh said, 'Police are monitoring the area to keep us safe. We have full faith in the police officers. The incident, which took place on February 21, comes just days after two Hindu temples received threat calls from Khalistani supporters.

Attacks on Hindu temples have increased

Attacks on Hindu temples have also increased recently. Last month, between January 12 and 23, three major Hindu temples were targeted in the city of Melbourne. Indians in Australia said they were 'angry, horrified and dismayed by the open display of religious hatred towards a peaceful Hindu community by Khalistan supporters'. 

Radicals are threatening by calling

On a phone call, the president and vice-president of the Gayatri Mandir in Brisbane were asked to raise slogans of 'Khalistan Zindabad' and support the referendum. Earlier, the Kali Mata Temple in Melbourne received a threat call this week, asking it to cancel the religious event or 'face the consequences'. Beginning in 2023, Hindu temples in Australia and Canada have seen a spurt in vandal attacks by Khalistani elements pasting anti-India slogans and offensive images on their walls.

Hinduism growing rapidly in Australia 

According to census data, Hinduism is the fastest growing religion in Australia. In the 2021 Australian Census, Hinduism will increase by 55.3 percent to 684,002.

5 'mismatched' couples of Bollywood, living happily, do not suit the users, the third name will surprise you

5 Famous Mismatched couples: You often get to see beautiful couples on screen, because their couples are made by directors and producers. There are many actresses in real life whose fans are surprised to see their pairings. Some do not even like their pair, but in real life these couples are very happy. However, trolls follow them for their mismatched pairing and leave no stone unturned to target them on social media. Today we are going to tell you about some such Bollywood actresses.

  • New Delhi.  Today we are going to talk about those actresses (Bollywood Actresses), who are not only very famous in the world of acting, but also always remain in headlines for their 'mismatched' partners.  Many of these actresses are openly spotted with their husbands, but there are some who like to keep their personal life very private and their husbands also stay away from the limelight.  These include names ranging from Juhi Chawla to Salman Khan's heroine Bhumika Chawla.
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New Delhi. Today we are going to talk about those actresses (Bollywood Actresses), who are not only very famous in the world of acting, but also always remain in headlines for their 'mismatched' partners. Many of these actresses are openly spotted with their husbands, but there are some who like to keep their personal life very private and their husbands also stay away from the limelight. These include names ranging from Juhi Chawla to Salman Khan's heroine Bhumika Chawla.

Juhi Chawla-Jay Mehta: The first name in this list comes from Bollywood's famous actresses Juhi Chawla and Jay Mehta.  Juhi married a businessman in 1995, whose name is Jai Mehta.  There is a difference of 6 years in the age of these two.  Jai looks very old now, but Juhi's beauty remains intact even today.
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Juhi Chawla-Jay Mehta: The first name in this list comes from Bollywood's famous actresses Juhi Chawla and Jay Mehta. Juhi married a businessman in 1995, whose name is Jai Mehta. There is a difference of 6 years in the age of these two. Jai looks very old now, but Juhi's beauty remains intact even today.

Devoleena Bhattacharjee-Shahnawaz Shaikh (Devoleena Bhattacharjee-Shahnawaz Shaikh): Ever since the famous TV actress Devoleena Bhattacharjee got married to her boyfriend Shahnawaz Shaikh, users on social media are constantly trolling her and Devoleena-Shahnawaz pair are being trolled. Showing mismatch.
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Devoleena Bhattacharjee-Shahnawaz Shaikh (Devoleena Bhattacharjee-Shahnawaz Shaikh): Ever since the famous TV actress Devoleena Bhattacharjee got married to her boyfriend Shahnawaz Shaikh, users on social media are constantly trolling her and Devoleena-Shahnawaz pair are being trolled. Showing mismatch.

Mahalakshmi-Ravinder Chandrasekar: A few days ago, the name of South's famous actress Mahalakshmi has also been added to this list, who has always been trolled because of her life partner.  Ever since Mahalakshmi got married to Ravindra Chandrasekaran, people are calling this pair mismatched, but this pair is very happy in their life, and do not pay any attention to the words of trolls.
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Mahalakshmi-Ravinder Chandrasekar: A few days ago, the name of South's famous actress Mahalakshmi has also been added to this list, who has always been trolled because of her life partner. Ever since Mahalakshmi got married to Ravindra Chandrasekaran, people are calling this pair mismatched, but this pair is very happy in their life, and do not pay any attention to the words of trolls.

Bhumika Chawla-Bharat Thakur: Bollywood's famous actress Bhumika Chawla is living a very happy life with her husband Bharat Thakur, but she too has been trolled many times because of her husband.  He chose his life partner away from the industry.  Bhumika married a yogi teaser in the year 2007, whose name was Bharat Thakur.  Let me tell you, there is a difference of 6 years in the age of Bhumika and Bharat.
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Bhumika Chawla-Bharat Thakur: Bollywood's famous actress Bhumika Chawla is living a very happy life with her husband Bharat Thakur, but she too has been trolled many times because of her husband. He chose his life partner away from the industry. Bhumika married a yogi teaser in the year 2007, whose name was Bharat Thakur. Let me tell you, there is a difference of 6 years in the age of Bhumika and Bharat.

Farah Khan-Shirish Kunder: Farah Khan is Bollywood's famous director, actress, writer and choreographer.  His name is quite popular in the industry.  Farah Khan married Shirish Kunder, 6 years younger than her, although both of their lives are going very well, but their couple has also been trolled many times on social media, terming it as a mismatch, let us tell you, Farah Khan and Shirish Kunder were married in the year 2004.
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Farah Khan-Shirish Kunder: Farah Khan is Bollywood's famous director, actress, writer and choreographer. His name is quite popular in the industry. Farah Khan married Shirish Kunder, 6 years younger than her, although both of their lives are going very well, but their couple has also been trolled many times on social media, terming it as a mismatch, let us tell you, Farah Khan and Shirish Kunder were married in the year 2004.

New Expressway of 594 KM is going to give new route to Delhi. Entire UP will be crossed in just 8 hours

The work of a new Expressway is being completed very fast in the country. With the arrival of the new Expressway, commuting from entire UP to Delhi will become easier and faster. Even crossing the entire UP will be just a game of 7-8 hours.

Ganga Expressway is a greenfield project and its total length will be 594 km. With the help of this expressway, traveling between the cities of eastern UP and the cities of western Uttar Pradesh will become easier. The construction work of this expressway is going on fast and it is expected to start before the Mahakumbh to be held in Prayagraj in 2025. In this connection, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath (CM Yogi Adityanath) has instructed the officials to complete the work within the stipulated time.

There will be a total of 14 toll plazas.

Its construction work is going on. The 594 km long Ganga Expressway will start from Meerut. This expressway will connect Hapur's Garhmukteshwar via Meerut's Shaheed Smarak. Ganga Expressway will have main toll plazas in Meerut and Prayagraj. Apart from this, there will be 12 additional ramp toll plazas.

the plane will be able to land

To provide air connectivity on the expressway in Shahjahanpur, a 3.5 km long airstrip will be built near Shahjahanpur. From where Air Force aircraft will be able to land and take off during emergency. There is a plan to build two bridges on this corridor, 960 meters long on river Ganga and 720 meters long on Ramganga. A total of 18 flyovers and 8 road over bridges will be built on the Ganga Expressway.

Across UP in 8 hours

Ganga Expressway will provide connectivity to Purvanchal Expressway, Yamuna Expressway and Agra-Lucknow Expressway. After its completion, the travel time between Meerut and Prayagraj will be reduced and the journey between the two cities will be completed in just 8 hours instead of 11 hours. The maximum speed on Ganga Expressway has been fixed at 120 km/h.

Band, Baja, Baaraat See Entry, But Then These Cars Got Fuss, See The List Of Country's Biggest Flops

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There have been many cars in India which were launched with high hopes but turned out to be flops. (Photo Courtesy Overdrive)

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Tata's car is also in the list of flop vehicles.
Fiat's cars were the most flopped.
At the same time, Mahindra's compact SUV also flopped.

New Delhi. India is emerging as a major car market for companies across the world. Keeping this in mind, companies are also launching new models of their cars every day. Some models are such that people like them a lot and those cars prove to be the best selling, but there are some which instead of being profitable for the companies, become a loss deal.

Some car companies launch with big bang but customers reject them outright. Now there is either some shortcoming in these cars or people do not like this bus. We are going to tell you about some such cars which people completely disliked.

Ford Fusion Crossover: After the success of Fusion, Ford also launched its crossover model. It was a hybrid of hatchback and SUV. This design was new in India. Earlier Fusion was liked by the people and the crossover model was equally fuel efficient and strong but people rejected it.

Chevrolet SR-V: Although the American car company Chevrolet launched many such cars in the Indian market which are liked by the people till date, but there were some which never appeared on the road like other Chevrolet vehicles. SRV was one of them. It was a hatchback variant of a sedan only. Due to its high cost, people did not like to buy this car.

Mahindra Nuvosport: Mahindra had long ago launched Nuvo Sport in the market as a compact SUV. It came with a 1.5 liter diesel engine. It was a comfortable car with power as well as space, yet people did not like its design at that time.

Tata Bolt : After Tata Indica, another hatchback experiment was done by Tata in the form of Tiago. Both its petrol and diesel variants were launched by the company. It was given 1.2 liter petrol and 1.3 liter diesel engine but people disliked this car.

Nissan Evalia: In the MPV segment, Nissan launched its car Evalia in the market. The car was spacious but its design was quite boxy and people didn't like it. Nissan had high hopes from this car as Toyota's Innova was the only MPV that had captured the market at that time. But Evalia could not stand anywhere in front of him.

This bike became the enemy of Bullet and Classic, people were broken seeing cheap, record was made in 6 months

Royal Enfield Hunter 350: The new bike Hunter 350 (Hunter 350), launched last year by Royal Enfield, seems to be causing trouble for the company's popular bikes Classic 350 and Bullet 350. This bike has made a place in the hearts of the customers in just 6 months

  • Royal Enfield Hunter 350: Royal Enfield Hunter 350 has made a record of one lakh sales in just 6 months.  This 350 cc bike was launched in August 2022.  It has been designed according to the youth.  Hunter is one of the cheapest bikes from Royal Enfield.  Its price starts from ₹ 1.50 lakhs.
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Royal Enfield Hunter 350: Royal Enfield Hunter 350 has made a record of one lakh sales in just 6 months. This 350 cc bike was launched in August 2022. It has been designed according to the youth. Hunter is one of the cheapest bikes from Royal Enfield. Its price starts from ₹ 1.50 lakhs.

Royal Enfield Hunter 350 is available in two variants Retro and Metro.  Alloy wheel tires are available in the Metro model.  The Hunter 350 is the third model built on the new J platform, which also underpins the Classic 350 and Meteor 350.  The Hunter is 14 kg lighter than the Classic, but both the bikes share the same engine.
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Royal Enfield Hunter 350 is available in two variants Retro and Metro. Alloy wheel tires are available in the Metro model. The Hunter 350 is the third model built on the new J platform, which also underpins the Classic 350 and Meteor 350. The Hunter is 14 kg lighter than the Classic, but both the bikes share the same engine.

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Royal Enfield Hunter gets the classic 349cc air/oil cooled engine engine. This engine is mated to a 5-speed gearbox and produces a maximum output of 20.2bhp and peak torque of 27Nm.

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Royal Enfield sells the Hunter 350 not only in India but also in other parts of the world. Other countries include Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Thailand, France, Germany, Italy, UK, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand.

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The Hunter gets the classic telescopic front forks and twin rear shockers. Meanwhile, the braking setup of the base model consists of a disc brake at the front and a drum brake at the rear along with a single-channel ABS. The Metro range, on the other hand, gets disc brakes at both the front and rear and a dual channel ABS. Halogen unit in the base model and LED taillight unit in the premium version.

Royal Enfield has equipped the Hunter 350 with the same semi-digital instrument console as the Scram 411, with a tripper pod provided as an optional extra.  For safety, it is equipped with dual-channel ABS or a single-channel unit depending on the variant.
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Royal Enfield has equipped the Hunter 350 with the same semi-digital instrument console as the Scram 411, with a tripper pod provided as an optional extra. For safety, it is equipped with dual-channel ABS or a single-channel unit depending on the variant.

The Hunter 350 primarily competes with the Honda CB350RS, TVS Ronin and the Jawa 42 2.1.  It will also take on the upcoming Bajaj-Triumph motorcycle.
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The Hunter 350 primarily competes with the Honda CB350RS, TVS Ronin and the Jawa 42 2.1. It will also take on the upcoming Bajaj-Triumph motorcycle.

First Published:February 24, 2023, 17:41 IST


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