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how to get long and strong Hair. The best tips for growing long hair.

how to get long and strong Hair. The best tips for growing long hair.

 Hair Care: 
When it comes to hair care, there are many oils that prove to be good for hair. But usually hair growth from these oils does not happen in the way it should be. Instead of buying expensive and adulterated hair oil from the market, you can make some oil at home and apply it on your hair. There is neither any added fragrance nor color in the oils made at home. Due to this, these oils prove to be better for hair. Know how to make them at home and apply them.
Homemade oil for hair growth | Homemade Oils For Hair Growth

curry leaf oil

 To make this oil, take coconut oil in a bowl and heat it. Now add fresh or dried curry leaves and cook it. Cool this oil and fill it in a vial and use it for hair massage. Along with hair growth, this oil keeps the hair black for a long time.

 onion oil

 Onion proves to be excellent for hair. To prepare Onion Oil at home without any chemicals, heat coconut oil in a bowl and add chopped onions into it. After the onion is cooked, filter this oil and keep it in a vial.

 Amla oil

 To make this oil also you have to use coconut oil for base oil. Heat pure coconut oil in a big bowl. In this, you will have to use dried gooseberry instead of fresh gooseberry. Grind the dried Indian gooseberry coarsely and put it in this oil. This oil is not to be used immediately, rather it has to be kept in the sun for 12 to 15 days. Your hair growth oil will be ready.

fennel oil

 Black colored fennel proves good for hair. A good amount of zinc, iron and potassium is also found in it, which helps in growing the hair by giving it full nutrition. Apart from coconut oil, olive oil can also be used to make this oil. After cooking oil in a utensil, put one spoon of fennel seeds in it. Filter it and fill it in a bottle and use it.

This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult an expert or your doctor for more details. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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