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Hinduberg Research May Be A Blessing In Disguise For Gautam Adani.

Swamispeak: Hindunberg Research's report has come as a boon for Gautam Adani, not a problem! know why

Gautam Adani

A report by Hindenburg Research has put Adani Group in trouble. The group's shares have fallen heavily. The market cap has been cleared by 60%. Many stocks have reached 52-week lows. Investors have turned away. But economist Swaminathan S A Iyer has a different view.


  • Adani Group in trouble due to Hindunberg Research report
  • Adani Group shares fell heavily in the last few days
  • Market cap has fallen by more than 60% in about a month

New Delhi: There is an uproar in the shares of Adani Group these days. The reason for this is a report by American short selling firm Hindenburg Research which came on 24 January. In this, many serious allegations have been leveled against Adani Group. Although Adani Group has denied these allegations. But this has caused a huge fall in the shares of Adani Group. The market cap of the group has come down by 60 per cent. Adani Group is making every possible effort to win the trust of investors but it is not showing any benefit yet. Meanwhile, well-known economist Swaminathan S.A. Iyer has written an article in our associate newspaper Economic Times. He says that the report of Hindenburg Research is not a problem for the Adani Group but a boon.

Swaminathan said that in the report of Hindenburg Research, Adani Group companies have been leveled with serious allegations of stock manipulation. This has created panic among global investors and they are pulling out their investments. There should be a thorough investigation for this and the guilty should be punished. But I want to raise a point related to this issue. Adani's critics say that he has reached this position not because of his skill but through political patronage and manipulation. I do not agree with this. Coming from an ordinary family to become the world's third biggest rich man in two decades is not possible without extraordinary business skills.

undefinedGautam Adani: Gautam Adani got good news from Sri Lanka surrounded by Hindenburg's tornado, now the problem will go away!

Adani is the national champion

Critics say that BJP is giving valuable assets to Adani. These include ports to mines, airports and transmission lines. It is not so at all. The government initially gave them the right to operate a small port in Kutch. There was no rail connection then. Adani converted it into the biggest port of the country. This is nothing less than a miracle. Adani has bought jetties and ports in about a dozen other places by defeating many big global companies. He is the largest port operator in the country. Handles about a quarter of the country's total freight. This work makes him the National Champion.

The government is supporting them in purchasing strategic jetties and ports in Sri Lanka and Israel. Critics call it favre. Is it really so? Sri Lanka's terminal will cost $750 million and Haifa Port will cost $1.18 billion. Even if presented on a silver platter, no company in India would take such a big risk. Adani's skills have made him more of a strategic player than a businessman.

boon in trouble

Readers must be feeling that I am a big fan of Adani. But I do not have any shares of Adani Group. The reason for this is that their cost is very high and they carry a lot of risk. Adani has rapidly diversified its business. History is replete with such businessmen who rapidly expanded their businesses. Got success for many decades but then they failed. So I have a feeling that the Hindenburg report is the best thing that ever happened to Adani. This will reduce the speed of their business expansion and their financiers will become cautious about the future. This will bring financial discipline in the Adani Group and will benefit Adani. Hindenburg could be a blessing in disguise for the Adani Group.


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